FAQ-Support Staff

Frequently Asked Questions and How-to-Guides for the Support Staff.

Topic: Google Workspace (GSuite)

 Students must be enrolled for the current term to process the request.

Changing account names for the faculty members is based on the official list provided by the Office of the Faculty Evaluation and Development.

The data may be restored but not more than 25 days ago. Otherwise, Google will permanently delete the files.

Topic: Internet Connection

Check that the internet cable is properly connected and that the router is powered on; if both are OK but there is still no internet connection, please contact STEPS (Santo Tomas e-service Providers) at 87861611 loc. 8888.

Topic: Remote Desktop Access

Possible Reason/s:

  1. You are most likely experiencing a slow Wi-Fi connection; please wait for a stable Wi-Fi connection.
  2. You can't connect if you've turned off your RDA device.
  3. You may not have properly logged out.

Please contact STEPS (Santo Tomas e-service Providers) at 87861611 loc. 8888

Topic: System Inquiy - USSAP

  1. Go to https://supportstaff.ust.edu.ph 
  2. Click Forgot Password Link and follow the instructions.

If error still persist, please contact STEPS (Santo Tomas e-service Providers) at 87861611 loc. 8888

Topic: ID Locator

Possible Reason/s:

  1. Your ID has NOT yet been activated
  2. No temperature was entered into THOMEDSS, please visit https://thomedss.ust.edu.ph 

Please contact STEPS (Santo Tomas e-service Providers) at 87861611 loc. 8888